Saturday, August 25, 2012

DIY Nursing/Teething Necklace

Aven is always playing with my hands while she's nursing so, I thought this nursing (teething) necklace would be a good little accessory for her to play with while she was nursing. Plus, she has two teeth coming through right now so she can chew on it, too! I was inspired by Rachel's Nest. I didn't get a picture of everything, but most of it is pretty self explanatory so, here goes!

What you'll need:
Wooden Beads

I bought one of those little packets of complimentary fabric at hobby lobby and it came with four squares (the fourth one isn't in the picture because I think Aven had it). Cut them into 5 inch wide sections. These were each 18 inches long. You'll need the fabric tube to be pretty long since you'll be tying knots in it. 

Sew all of your fabric together (right sides together) until you have one long strip.

Then, fold your fabric in half hotdog style (right sides together!) and sew up the side leaving enough room for your wooden bead to fit through the hole.

Now you have to turn your fabric tube right side out. This is the hardest part. Pin a safety pin to the end (or in my case push a bobby pin through it because I have no idea where a safety pin is) and start pushing it trough the loop, pulling the excess fabric down as you go. I'm sure you can find tons of tutorials on youtube on how to do this if you don't know what I mean.

Next, tie a knot whereever you want your beads to start and put in a bead, then tie another knot. I doubled my knots because I wanted them to be as large as the bead.

Do that until you have the same amount of non knotted fabric on both sides. Then all you need to do is flip a little bit of the ends into the hole and then sew up the ends so your fabric won't fray. ..and that's it!

Aven liked it more in this picture than she does now. 


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