Monday, February 6, 2012

3 days overdue

Welp, nothing happened on superbowl Sunday.

Last night we did almost every natural induction technique known to man and alas, nothing happened. I'm drinking red raspberry leaf tea as I type hoping something will come of it. Baby is still moving more than ever and I'm not feeling any differently. The midwives will only deliver baby between 37 and 42 weeks, so baby needs to get here ASAP!

Yesterday I sang to baby, spoke to baby, told baby how much we're ready for baby to be here. Still nothin'.

I read yesterday that scientists still don't know what triggers labor, whether it be the size and weight of the baby or hormones or what. All I know is I'm ready!

I'm still doing all my normal day to day things. Yesterday we went to Norman, had dinner with Franny and Jonathan and played games. We talked about baby, talked to baby, danced and did jumping jacks to try to persuade baby into coming out. I even cleaned our entire house yesterday, including getting down on my hands and knees and scrubbing the floors.

Tomorrow is my last guess on when I'll go into labor, which is the day of the full moon. After that, I have no more guesses and I'm assuming baby will just stay in here forever.

I feel defeated. lol

1 comment:

  1. I know it is SO frustrating! I was 41 weeks when I had River and he only weighed 6.14lbs so I know he was not overdue. You are not "overdue" at 40 weeks. Your baby and your body know exactly when it is supposed to happen so don't start doubting them now! P.S. I'm assuming you're using the CMS midwives, if so, tell Taryn and Nikki I said hi!
