So, we left off with our Thirsties AIO sized diapers. We were using the small size which is supposed to fit until 18 lbs or approximately nine months of age. However! (exclamation point!) Our baby is in the 90th percentile for weight and >97th percentile in height. Basically, she's a very large baby. The size of an average seven month old according to the pediatrician. That said, we needed new dipes about 5 months earlier than I assumed we would. She was popping out of those suckers like crazy. Which, by the way, is one reason why I will now always buy snaps over velcro. Velcro is great for micro-adjustments but snaps are much better when it comes to keeping the dipes on and longevity.
Bye Bye, Dipes!
So, my search began again. I already have the Tots Bots Easy Fit OS which fits her now but wanted to branch out and try some others. I bought one Thirsties AIO in the size large and even though I really like the way it fits and I really love the entire design of the Thirsties AIOs, I hate that the microfiber (or whatever it is) holds in smell! My diapers always had a sweet smell to them no matter how many times I washed or stripped. I decided, this time, to go with a natural fiber diaper. I love the idea that only natural fibers will be touching this little bum and I like the fact that natural fibers don't hold stink nearly as bad! (or so I've heard). By the way, Thirsties, you should really make an AIO with natural fibers like the AIO you make now. I would buy the heck out of those! ;)
Anyway, back to the story.. before I decided to stick to natural fibers, I decided to check out the BumGenius Freetime.
It's an AIO OS stay dry diaper. Translation: All in one (no stuffing), one size (fits from 8-35 lbs, although I would argue that), stay dry, meaning it has micro suede on top of the microfiber so that the baby doesn't feel the wetness on their little bums. I really liked this diaper. I still really like this diaper. I just don't love that it's not natural fibers and I know in time it's going to start holding a smell. Next on the list was the BumGenius Elemental Organic.
It's similar in shape to the freetime with all the same colors and styles, only it's made from organic cotton and instead of having two overlapping flaps inside the diaper, it has two sewn in inserts laying on top of each other. I searched around and asked for reviews on this diaper and then I did something that I would not recommend doing: I ordered twelve of them without ever trying them out. I got a really good deal though! I signed up for the rewards card and immediately got a $50.00 gift card - awesome! - and because I ordered them in bulk, I got a $50.00 discount - also awesome! - so I ended up getting twelve diapers that should have cost me $300.00 for only $200.00! Have I ever mentioned how much I love I so wish I would shop local more, but I live in a small town and I don't have the patience to drive 45 minutes to the city every time I want to buy something good. Plus, no tax and amazon prime rock my world!
What was I talking about?
Oh yeah, diapers. ;)
I love the elementals and they're really absorbent because they're made of natural fiber, but I can't help but want to buy more of the freetime! I really love it and I always pick it out of my stash first to use. I think I'll buy six or seven more freetimes, even though I know they're going to end up smelling a little, because I just like them so much. They're cute and easy and they dry fast because the flaps are overlapping, so I even save energy that way.
So, now in our big girl stash we have:
12 BumGenius Elemental Organic
1 BumGenius Freetime
1 Thirsties (Size 2)
1 Tots Bots Easy Fit
Oh, I forgot to mention the thing I don't love so much about both BumGenius diapers. My Thirsties diaper has TWO rows of snaps for adjustments so that I can snap the first snaps and then the second snaps so that the little "wing" of the diaper stays put. Kind of like when your pants have a second inner button to keep the fly in place? Is this making any sense? Anyway, the BumGenius only have the one row of snaps so the little "wing" gets all bunched up and I have to work it into place. Small problem, but one I notice every time I'm putting the diapers on.
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